Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fordham IRB's summer hiatus

In case you did not see the fliers that the IRB sent out, they'd like to remind you of their annual summer hiatus between June and August, and announce the following deadlines:

  • New protocols: those for full board review must be submitted by April 12; expedited or exempt reviews must be submitted by May 9.
  • Revised protocols: "approval pending" protocols must be returned by May 16; for full board review, return by May 27.

Questions? Contact David Wilbur, IRB Administrator, at 212-636-7946 or

Friday, March 4, 2011

NIH requests comments on an Early Independence Award Program

The National Institutes of Health has released a Request for Information (RFI) on a proposed new funding mechanism, the NIH Director's Early Independence Award Program, which would allow recent doctoral (PhD or MD) graduates the opportunity to forgo traditional postdoctoral training and move more quickly into an independent scientific career. If you'd like to learn more and respond to this RFI, please visit notice number NOT-RM-11-009.