Monday, April 28, 2014

NIH Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration, Baltimore, June 26-27

The NIH Regional Seminar in Baltimore is a good opportunity to learn about the NIH and personally meet some NIH personnel. From the NIH:

What does the 2-day seminar offer?
The NIH Regional Seminar offers a comprehensive program for the NIH extramural community about the NIH grants process and related policies, including such topics as peer review, grant writing for success, pre-award and post-award issues for administrators and investigators, compliance, animal and human subject research, how to interact electronically with NIH, and mapping your career with NIH. In addition, special interest sessions are provided on topics like research integrity, data sharing, foreign collaborations, the NIH Intramural Program, and more.

More information and registration link here: Notice NOT-OD-14-083

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How Professors Spend their Time

In an article in The Blue Review, John Ziker explores how "Homo academicus" at Boise State University spends his or her time:

An excerpt:
"The most surprising finding of our analysis of practices was that faculty spent approximately 17 percent of their workweek days in meetings... Thirteen percent of the day was spent on email... Thus, 30 percent of faculty time was spent on activities that are not traditionally thought of as part of the life of an academic. Twelve percent of the day was spent on instruction... and an equal amount of time was spent on class preparation. Eleven percent of the day was spent on course administration... Thus, 35 percent of workweek days was spent on activities traditionally thought of as teaching. Only three percent of our workweek day was spent on primary research and two percent on manuscript writing."
(emphasis mine)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New fringe benefits rate posted

The fiscal year 2015 fringe benefits rate has been posted to our Institutional Information page (at the bottom). Please use these rates for any applicable grant proposal that will start after July 1, 2014.

A reminder: Fringe benefits are only directly budgeted into a grant if we are not receiving our full on-campus or off-campus indirect cost rates.

NIH relaxes their stance on resubmissions

The NIH and AHRQ released a notice (NOT-OD-14-074) on April 17th that reads in part:

Effective immediately, for application due dates after April 16, 2014, following an unsuccessful resubmission (A1) application, applicants may submit the same idea as a new (A0) application for the next appropriate due date. The NIH and AHRQ will not assess the similarity of the science in the new (A0) application to any previously reviewed submission when accepting an application for review.

A FAQ's page has also been released:

UPDATE 4/28/14: The NIH has provided clarification of the policy, based on questions they received. You may find the answers helpful.
Notice NOT-OD-14-082

Monday, April 14, 2014

NSF Day at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is Rescheduled!

We had some disappointed faculty when last Fall's NSF day had to be canceled due to sequestration. Fortunately CSHL have rescheduled the workshop for June 4th, 2014. A tentative agenda is here.
From Walter L. Goldschmidts, Ph.D., Executive Director of Sponsored Programs at CSHL:
The workshop is intended to assist new faculty and other research scientists and educators from the New York and the northeast region to learn more about the full scope of NSF supported research and education programs and priorities and to better understand the NSF grant proposal and merit review process. Representatives from seven NSF Directorates and the Office of International and Integrative Activities are anticipated to make presentations on their programs and will be available informally and in breakout sessions for discussions of potential research proposals.
The workshop will be held in the Grace Auditorium on the CSHL campus and support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has been secured by CSHL to help defray participant costs so that registration fees can be held to a minimum. Space is limited, so please register early by visiting:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Symposium on Public Access to Scholarly Research

The Tri-Institutional Collaboration Network, Rockefeller University and Weill Cornell Medical College are sponsoring a symposium on the Public Access policy on April 16th at Rockefeller University. To learn more and register for the free symposium, click here: