Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Foundations -- Back at Full Funding Levels?

Philanthropy News Digest looks at whether foundations were actually hurting from the recession in the first place, and what the future holds for foundation funding.
Have Foundations Recovered from the Great Recession?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Thoughts from a First Time NSF Applicant

Philip Guo is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Rochester, and he applied for his first sole-PI NSF grant this past winter. He doesn't know the results of his submission yet, but has a lot of thoughts about the writing/submission process to share with other first-timers:

NIH to Roll out New Biosketch Format

Already in the pilot testing phase, the new biosketch format will take effect across NIH in FY2016. The goal of the new, longer format is to emphasize accomplishments instead of just publications. You can read more about it and the reasons for its implementation here at Dr. Sally Rockey's "Rock Talk" blog.