Monday, December 19, 2016

Upcoming NIH regional seminars

Registration for two Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration will open in January. The first will be held in early May in New Orleans; the second in late October in Baltimore. There will also be pre-seminar workshops available on topics such as using eRA Commons, intellectual property issues, and human subject protocols.

Please see this notice for more information: NOT-OD-17-026.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Need a mentor? Looking for a mentee?

The National Research Mentoring Network helps to match undergrad, graduate and postdoc biomedical researchers with junior or senior faculty, as well as non-faculty researchers and administrators, in mentor/mentee partnerships. It is a priority of the NRMN to increase diversity in the biomedical field. While a NIH program, you do not have to be supported by NIH funding to join the network. More information can be found here: https:/