Thursday, February 23, 2017

Office for Human Research Protections to hold community forum

The OHRP is teaming up with Hackensack University Medical Center on April 4-5, 2017 for a conference and community forum on "Big Data, Small Data and the Implications for Human Subject Research". The conference will be held at the Hilton Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ. A summary of the event:

Human research increasingly relies on the collection and analysis of data. Big Data uses large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations. Personalized medicine seeks to identify treatment tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease; medical decision making, interventions and/or treatment modalities are identified through analysis of data sets. Genomics research has relied on the sharing of genome data since its inception. In all these cases, there are legal, regulatory and ethical implications related to the use of data both alone and in combination with bio-specimens. This conference seeks to create a dialogue that addresses the interception of these implications.

More information about the conference, the hotel and registration links can be found here:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A summary of new NIH policy changes

On the award side, the National Institutes of Health have made some changes to their policies on:
  • final progress reports
  • training for investigators involved in NIH-funded clinical trials, and
  • reporting of NIH-funded clinical trials.

On the proposal side, there are changes in policy regarding:
  • the items allowed to be included in appendices
  • post-submission materials, and
  • acceptable fonts/text color.

Finally, starting tomorrow you may submit an interim progress report rather than a final report if you are ending one grant cycle and waiting for the next cycle to begin. See this webpage for complete details and links to the Notices involved.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Increasing your research's impact

Academia is more crowded and competitive than ever, both in terms of research dollars and the multitude of ways people now have to shout about their own research, which could drown out your voice. Learn 8 Tips to increase the reach of your research in 2017 from editage Insights.