Thursday, September 21, 2017

NIH's Loan Repayment Program -- webinar coming up soon!

Interested in the NIH's Loan Repayment Program (see previous blog post here) but having some trouble figuring out how to apply? Register for the LRP Technical Assistance webinar at this link: NIH LRP Webinar.

Webinar Info:
Date and Time: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3:00 pm, EST
Meeting number (access code): 620 964 208
Event password: LRPApp
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208

1. Description of the Programs and Eligibility Requirements
2. Overview of Application Components
- Major Sections of the Application
- Research Activities and Personal Statement
- Recommendations
- Loan Information
3. Application Timeline
4. Applicant Checklist
5. Q&A

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

NIH's Next Generation Researchers initiative

As of August 31, 2017, the National Institutes of Health has implemented new procedures to better support early stage and early established investigators called the Next Generation Researchers Initiative. Early state investigators (ESI) are those who are within 10 years of their terminal research degree or the end of their post-graduate clinical training, who have not received a "substantial" NIH award yet. (For a list of smaller NIH grants that an investigator can hold, and still be considered early stage, click here.) An early established investigator (EEI) is within 10 years of receiving their first substantial NIH award as an early stage investigator. Both classes of investigator will be given priority, and NIH's goal is to award 200 more ESI and 200 more EEI awards this fiscal year than last year. Learn more about this initiative here: NOT-OD-17-101.